Friday, May 10, 2013

This Time for Africa

Well, heeeeerrree we are, not at Sunset and Camden, but at the last two weeks of my adventure in Cameroon. Weh! Sarah left Tuesday night and for the first time in my life I have my own room. I always wanted one, but I'm finding they aren't all they're cracked up to be. We now set the dinner table with just six plates. The house is positively empty. (At least tonight is pizza and movie night so it shall be full to the brim again for a bit!) I feel like the entire year reached its peak at Christmastime, when everyone, even Karissa, was here, but we've lost people along the way and the year has come to a close on a sadder and lonelier note than I anticipated. While a self-professed introvert, I have learned to love crowds and the joyful, sharing, togetherness that comes with them; crowds are no longer crowds but instead are just extended family, and what's better than a big, happy family reunion? (That's Africa in a nutshell, if you never make it here to discover for yourselves.)

I'm definitely going to miss the crazy lightning and thunderstorms, and the mangos, and bargaining in the market, but I can do without all that. It's the people here who have really made my time in Cameroon an unforgettable experience, and it's the people who are the reason I want to come back someday – hopefully sooner rather than later. Papa Karissa, Katelyn, Lum, Fadi, Maimu, Carol, Auntie Delphine, Nicoline, Pa, Simon, Nelly, Yunu, Mowa, Yaya, Usufu, Aishatu, Rashi, Aunt Julie, Anna, Paula, Anneka, Darcie, Georgia, Derick... the list goes on and on! I hope that my last two weeks will be filled with these people and filled with lovely memories before I jump back into the fray that is America! (And don't get me wrong, I'm desperately excited to go back to my people there too.)

But I'm not leaving yet, and there are still things to do! Bananas to devour! Messes to make (and then clean up)! Schoolwork to vanquish! And pizzas to create, so I'll be off. Tschuss ~

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