Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bloggy Blog Blog

Aaaaand, back to the grind! Not that it's a grind, really. I actually quite enjoyed having breakfast with everyone once again yesterday morning, and getting back to our work! Though the break was needed and refreshing, settling back into our routine is just as nice. Breakfast, tea, devotions, feeding the horses, working out, and then our weekly meeting with Chris and Karen to map out our work for the week. And yesterday we went to the orphanage to have Bible Club! They all gather and Karen teaches the lesson, Katelyn and I lead a song and then they sing a song or two of their own (which are marvelous), and then while they all color the memory verse coloring page, one by one they come up and say the memory verse from last week. And we give them candy! (aka bonbons) The most amusing part is taking the neighborhood kids along, and bouncing down the back roads with 8 or 9 of them piled in with us.

Also I didn't mention it the other day, but pray would be greatly appreciated for Fadi, Maimu, and Yunu – Thursday night their grandma, Gogo Wuro, died after being the hospital for awhile. Muslim law requires they bury the body within 24 hours of the death, so Friday night all 3 of them headed up to Sabba Njowra and stayed the weekend for the funeral, or "cry-die." Death is a huge deal in Fulani culture, as well as everywhere else in Cameroon; often it has a lot to do with cultural traditions, jujus, and such, which is not so good. Also Moa, Fadi and Maimu's mother, is pregnant! And the baby could be born any day now, so we are praying for a easy birth and a healthy baby. 

This weekend Katelyn and Lum have PSATs down in Yaounde, and at RFIS (the international/missionary kid school) there's a dance which we are apparently going to, so we are spending the weekend in the capital of Cameroon! Woot woot. Until then, it's food and sleep and school! Aufweidersehen!

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