Tuesday, October 2, 2012

When September Ends

Oh look, another week has come and gone! Happy October, everyone! On Sunday Chris drove to Yaounde for a week of meetings, so pray for his safety traveling about while in Yaounde and ours alone without a man in the house... but we have Pa here during the days, and of course me with a self defense class under my belt, so no worries! Haha. Today we took another trip to the market and met at PresCafe with some translators from Bambui, and gave to them two of our lessons to translate into the mother tongue there. Exciting stuff! We also got schwarma sandwiches outside the bakery; my first time eating schwarma, and it was wonderful! Also made me feel more superhero-esque... Avengers, you know. ;) Then today was our first French lesson! I had completely forgot about it, but our teacher, a Cameroonian lady, came today and got us down to business! (To defeat the Huns.) We learned how to carry on a simple conversation, saying our name, how old we are, where we're from, what we do, etc, and asking the questions back. I love languages! But they are indeed hard to learn. It's tricky to separate French from English, German, and Pidgin, having such an "interesting" system of pronunciation...haha! Oh well. I shall learn! So until next time, or a la prochaine!

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