Sunday, October 14, 2012

Food, My New Hobby

Well, here we are, about halfway through October - which makes it 3 months in Africa! I have survived thus far, hallelujah! Back when Sarah and I were preparing to leave in July, Chris and Karen told us that three or so months in, we'd be fed up with Africa and ready to leave. I must admit, t's been tough and frustrating and sometimes miserable. But it's also been delightful, exciting, and just plain fun! Even if I were given the chance to go back right this minute, I don't think I would - I know that there is so much more in store for me this year, just waiting for me to stick it out. 

This past week has been quite restful, as everyone took a break from school and work and we had the Naines come up and visit! They stayed at the nearby guest house, but spent the whole day hanging out at the Jackson Village, hiking, or going into town with us. On Thursday everyone went up to Sabba Njowra to hike, except Sarah and I (sigh), who stayed home to work and pick up Happy, Aunt Julie's daughter from school. We had no idea where her school was, but Sarah and I got the best directions we could from Delphine and succeeded in the end! Haha. The power was also out all day, so we mainly worked and read and relaxed, the house being so strangely quiet. :) Pizza and Movie Night was, as always, delicious and great fun, with the Naines, the Newburns, Brittany, Darcy, and their friend Tess. And Wendy Naine made fudge!! Om nom. I'm beginning to love food too much, I think. Oh well!

Speaking of food, tonight we had our weekly road food, Katelyn made monkey bread and cake, and I made homemade pretzels! For no other reason than we were in a baking mood... but who needs reasons to make delicious things? Not I, said the girl. 

All right, I'm off to talk with my family! Yay! Please pray that the internet will work, and ta ta for now!

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