Saturday, January 12, 2013

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

You know those rollercoasters and rides that go upside down and make you sick to your stomach, but afterward you forget how bad it really was, and so make the mistake of riding it again? Well, for me, this week was like that second ride. I won't get into the details but I thank all of you who were praying for me this week! I'm mostly over the hill, thanks to good talks with good friends and good music and a good God.

On another level this week was also pure fun! We in the Jackson Village spent our time working, eating, shopping, running, swimming, riding, giving, laughing, singing, and generally living life... never a dull moment! Two friends from Yaounde, Paola and Anneke, came up to spend a few days with us, and we had a full house for pizza and movie night - Mr. Santos with some WA (Wycliffe Associates) people here working on a water project, the Newburns, Darcie, Birte, Paola and Anneke and the rest of us!

Today was the icing on the cake though - the Groves invited us out to Bambalang to go boating with them! After chores Chris drove all us girls out there (nine in all...) and we spent the afternoon eating and talking, venturing out in this huge canoe (all of us fit! Plus Mr. Grove and Anna), and falling into the lake... all Karissa and Anna's fault. :D I told them I was going to end up in the lake before the end of the day, and they didn't believe me! Haha. We took motortaxis back to the Groves' house, which resulted in a thick layer of dust on our already wet clothes and faces. We most definitely got pictures to preserve our grimy merriment forever, and they will be up for your viewing pleasure eventually... alas, my phone and therefore my camera is kaput, and I don't know when it will be revived. Patience.

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