Friday, January 18, 2013

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Happy Friday, everyone! It's been a lovely week and it's already shaping up to be a lovely weekend as well. Same ole' same ole' pretty much covers the past couple of days, but they've been full and fun as usual. This evening we had another big pizza and movie night, with some of the same people from last time, an Indian family (who manages one of everybody's favorite places, the Imagine Bakery!) Darcie and her friend Mary, and two others we met today, Jason and Delaney, who stay in Bali and are actually leaving in less than a week. :( That's the thing about Cameroon (or maybe just the type of community we're in), people are always coming or going; upon meeting someone, the first few questions always include how long they've been here and how long they're staying. I love hearing everyone's stories about how they ended up in Cameroon! Some are quite bizarre, let me tell you.

After a whole lot of pizza, THE HOBBIT (which was just wonderful.... just wonderful. Martin Freeman wins all the prizes), a chocolatey dessert that only took me about 6 hours to finally finish (having to make everything from scratch + my cooking skills + my attention span = starting at 4 pm and eating at 10:30), and a lovely facetime date with Toby, it is now time for bed. Tomorrow some of us are setting out for Takwi, a Fulani village in the mountains, and staying the night. While we are there we will walk, visit, eat, and ride horses!! and someone else will take pictures, as there is no foreseen light at the end of the tunnel for my phone. Weh. But technology = way overrated. I'm thankful for it but have come to realize it's not necessary for a good time! Goodnight to all, and happy six months, two days, and 1.5 hours! (of Africa)

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