Monday, February 25, 2013

Geburtstag Numer Zwanzig

Pizza, Les Miserables, ice cream cake, hiking, wind, swimming, homemade chimichangas, Meg Ryan, friends staying the night: all the necessary components for a grand and glorious compilation also known as this weekend! Darcie and I combined our birthdays with a pizza and movie night on Saturday and we had a whole bunch of people come over to celebrate. Lum made a beautiful ice cream cake with oreos for us and it was incredibly delicious, and then most everyone stayed the night, too full of cheese and avocados and chocolate to move. :D Some had to leave before lunchtime, and Chris had to go to a meeting in the Ndop, but the rest of us then climbed in the car and headed out to Lake Awing! A "Touristic Site," or so it says on the sign haha. While Karen, Darcie, and Georgia stayed to read by the lake, the rest of us climbed this monstrous hill, enjoyed the view immensely, clambered back down, and wandered through a beautiful eucalyptus forest to go and join the others. Birte, Katelyn and I took a dip into the freezing cold water and swam around a bit, making plans to come back with boats and a picnic! After a bit we all got back in (or on top of) the car to go exploring down the dirt roads... And for the first time in months I was cold! But the wind quickly dried off our clothes and even added a nice light brown layer of dust on top as well... how generous! It's always so fun going on adventures; it's also just as nice coming back home and taking showers! And eating dinner, of course. Guacamole is the new chocolate! Along with chocolate. Of which I received large amounts for my birthday, as well as lots of new books to read! Yay! But the best part of the day was getting to talk to my family, and then Toby :) Bad days are hard to come by here, but yesterday was especially wonderful, and my thanks goes out to each and every one of you who wished me well!

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