Monday, February 4, 2013


What a weekend! After a week that flashed by with all its usual speed, we had a jolly pizza and movie night with a whole bunch of people from Bali - Delaney and Ryan we'd already met, and they brought with them 5 newcomers. Everyone stayed the night and we had a grand ole time making breakfast in the morning, and then setting off on a hiking adventure in what we like to call God's Playground! If you saw this place, you'd understand why. Just a short hike away from the main road, you come upon these gargantuan boulders sticking up out of the ground, totally climbable and looking down upon a small valley filled with houses and farms. It was blustery, and beautiful, and so much fun! I'm still sore from all the climbing we did, but it was so worth it to stand on the edge of the rocks and sing Colors of the Wind, sit on my own rock and do nothing but think for thirty minutes, then do some tribal interpretive dances to the immortal Lion King soundtrack with Katelyn and Delaney. :D

Then Sunday we had a quiet morning, followed by everyone piling in the car and driving out to Bali! That trip included a lovely hike down to this beautiful waterfall hidden away in the jungle! It was beautiful, and a few people went in and swam and then jumped off the top. We got caught in the rain on the way back - RAIN! Dry season must have been Confunded or something... but we're not complaining! Schwarma and pears (avocados) for dinner made a yummy end to a fun day, and then I got to talk to Toby! Which was just wonderful. All in all, a delightful weekend in the Jackson Village; I'm so glad I live with them. If any of you ever come to Cameroon, make sure to hang out with these people. They're cool. 

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