Sunday, July 15, 2012

And So It Begins

“There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it.” – Charles Dudley Warner

Ten short hours till my plane leaves, and despite the roller coaster of thoughts and emotions that have been fighting for my attention the past few days, what comes to mind is how incredibly blessed I am. Not only have I been given the opportunity to live in Africa for a year, but I am surrounded by you all, my precious family and friends. As Winnie the Pooh said, "How lucky I am to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard." So. True. Only I have many, many someones. You hate to see me go but at the same time are showering me with prayer, gifts of money, and loads of encouragement. Just today as I was leaving church someone handed me a $500 check for Cameroon. I was amazed... yet when I thought about it, it is but the icing on the fundraising/God's provision/I-am-so-blessed cake. It is thanks to you all that I will board that plane tomorrow with tears in my eyes* and a smile on my face.

But yes. With my bags packed (mostly), my computer loaded with new music (very important), and my last In-N-Out burger consumed (I'm going to miss that), I am prepared and so very excited for this grand and marvelous excursion! Adventure is out there!

See you stateside, only opposite. Overseas. Abroad. Ya know.

*And by tears in my eyes, I really mean bawling my eyes out

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