Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Rains Down In Africa

This blogging is addictive... so forgive me if my incessant posts are a bit exhaustive. I love writing, but I realized I haven't spent much time writing lately, and so I find this quite delightful. It's also a handy way for an introvert like me to share my adventures with you all - however many there are of you out there. Even if I were the only one reading my posts, I'd still do it. It's therapeutic, like painting and washing dishes and riding horses.

The Jacksons’ porch - upon which I am seated with a large cup of tea and a blanket - has a beautiful, almost-180 degree view, and I can see clouds moving in, floating away, and parting to allow a tiny sliver of sun to peek through on the horizon. Today eight of us (plus Autumn) piled in the car and drove out straight into those clouds. We hiked up a hill on the side of the road to a waterfall, and explored the hills above it, while the rain debated between sprinkling and pouring. Between the rain and the knee-deep wet grass, all of us were soaked through in an amazingly short time. But we had lots of fun and it was beautiful up there, with a view of the surrounding hills and valleys, the clouds moving in and out like waves. Everything is green here. All different kinds of green, bright lime green bushes and deep green trees and an occasional speck of orange or pink poking through the foliage. I love rainy season. Not that I’ve actually seen dry season, but this is just lovely, and completely worth all the rain. 

It’s nice to sit here and watch and listen to the rain come down, with no idea of what tomorrow will bring - but no worries either. It’s a very peaceful place, Cameroon. Even the hustle and bustle on the streets and in the market is relaxed, and there is always plenty of time to get where you are going, or stop and chat with someone you see on the street. At the moment I can hear people talking in the living room and smell the lasagna baking in the oven. I think I am going to sit here awhile longer and do nothing but watch the rain fall down. 

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