Saturday, July 28, 2012


Oh, Cameroon! In the past two days, I have seen a chicken's head cut off, been offered a baby in the market, and eaten more chocolate than you can possibly imagine. Well, maybe not that much. But more than usual, and usual for me is a whole lot for all of you. Sarah and Katelyn and I started working out every day (yes, you heard right! I am actually exercising) so I need something to keep my energy up. And chocolate is my comfort food. No judging.

We are all getting into the groove of living in Cameroon again, or for the first time. None of us but maybe Chris are actually getting up early yet, but that's probably due to staying up late reading or watching movies, as we are prone to do. And it's summer, so it's allowed. Our days, as is everything here, are relaxing and taken at a slow pace, which is a relief after America's go-go-go mindset. You don't realize how time-oriented everything is in the States until you get here, and begin to go with the flow, and find you haven't even checked what time it is in days. I appreciate it, as it's quite opposed to America, where I am usually hurrying about and trying not to be late, and most often failing. I've always thought being on time is overrated - here, everyone agrees with me.

But for living in Africa, it's been pretty cushy so far. Chris fixed the washing machine, so we don't have to hand wash our clothes, the electricity has only gone out a couple times in the evenings, and as you've heard before, we now have hot water alllll the time. As we like to joke, we are "suffering for de Lord!" we sit in the coffee shop and eat chocolate cake.

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