Thursday, August 9, 2012

Into da Bush

Today we are headed off to Sabba Njowra, Fadi's village, for a few days! We will be staying with Fadi's family until Saturday, spending time exploring the beautiful mountains they live in, riding horses, and even fasting during the day with them! Yay.... Just in case, we packed some bread and nuts and other snacks to hold us off until sundown.

I've stayed in Sabba Njowra before, when we came last year to do a VBS in the nearby school. This time it is just Katelyn, Sarah, and I, instead of a whole team, so I'm sure it will be different in many ways. I can't wait to be up there with the Fulani people, far away up in the mountains where life is simple and beautiful. No running water, no electricity, and certainly no internet; which makes for even less worries than we have here. I will write all about it when we return from da bush! So until then, my friends.

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