Friday, August 24, 2012

Prayer Requests

Every morning after breakfast and every evening after dinner we do devotions, then prayer requests. There are so many that I thought I'd share them with you all and get everyone talking to God about us! :) Thank you all for your prayers so far, I am so blessed to have you all at home praying for me!

  • Transition, still. The "honeymoon" stage is finishing and we are getting into our real work, which is still fun but less exciting than at first.
  • Finances, especially for Sarah. She is still short about $3500, and we don't want her leaving in February for a simple thing like not enough money! 
  • For Fadi and her little sister Miamu as they prepare to come and live with the crazy white people for another school year. Fadi's used to us, but living in such an American home after Sabba Njowra will be a big change for Miamu. 
  • Also for us with two Muslim girls living in the house! That will definitely be interesting. Pray that we can be good witnesses. 
  • Lum's little brother has an infection in his finger that has been there for awhile and isn't going away. Her grandma also has bad asthma. Pray for their healing and that they will be able to afford the medicine they need. 
  • For the Luke lessons, that we will be able to get them done swiftly and move forward. Also for the funding, that everything will work out and we can get them out to as many different language groups as possible. 
  • For Carolin to find a place to stay in Bamenda. 
  • For Karissa as she goes back to school at Biola this week.
  • For all of our continued health and safety - thank God that we've been kept safe and healthy so far!

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