Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Weekend!

Greetings! Forgive me for the radio silence. For the past few days we've been doing school, preparing what we can for Sallah, and having Pizza and Movie night! It turns out Sallah is being planned for Sunday night, so we had some people over last night for pizza and such; a family we met in town who are missionaries at the Catholic mission nearby, and the men who had visited before this week. So it was quite the crowd!

We also went by Aunt Julie's and got our dresses for Sallah! They are quite lovely. It's fun picking out the fabric and designing what we want to wear; I wish more stores in the States did that, and as cheap haha. The girls also got their hair done in braids on Thursday; I ended up not going with them, but next time I will. Apparently it hurts a lot, though, and then itches for a few days afterward. But I think it looks great!

Today was weird; I got up early to talk to Toby and then fell back asleep and the next thing I know I wake up and it's 5:30. PM. Won't be able to sleep tonight, I can tell you that. Oh well, it's always nice to have a day of rest. It's just a bit strange to get up as the sun is going down. Right now Sarah, Katelyn, and I are having a Harry Potter marathon and eating popcorn for dinner! And tomorrow is Sallah, hopefully. So excited.

Another exciting/interesting/something that would only happen in Cameroon was yesterday, when the vet came and neutered the cat! On the kitchen table. Yup. Haha apparently this is the routine; every time the vet comes into town, whatever animals need to be fixed or whatever are rounded up, drugged, and laid out on the kitchen table to await the procedure. Afterward Fiver alternated between sleeping and stumbling about like he was drunk. He's much better now, but it was quite humorous while it lasted.

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