Sunday, August 26, 2012


Just in case you aren't sick of me posting sunset pictures, here are some more! I know you have them there in America, but we seem to get the most beautiful clouds and light and loveliness that I can't help but share it with you.

This morning everyone got all dressed up and we went over to Menda Baptist Church just down the road. We got there just before 9, and it started almost exactly on time, which was a surprise for me, haha! The choir came down the aisle singing loudly to the drums and other instruments, and everyone joined in, singing and clapping. The music never really stopped; there would be a period of just clapping and swaying to the music after one song stopped, then the next would begin almost right away. In Cameroon, most songs are led by one person who sings a line or the verse by him/herself, then everyone else joins in and sings the same thing again. It makes me miss choir... it also makes me want to go running through the wilds of Africa with a lion cub, a wild boar, and a meerkat. 

In other news, it's been storming a lot, time is still flying by at an outrageous pace, we have spent the weekend painting Katelyn's room, and once we find the paint we want, Sarah and I are going to do ours! Paint of any kind is hard to find here, especially American paint, and especially the color we want. But soon and very soon! 

I also have another prayer request to add to the list; that my contacts would arrive here safely. They've been sent from the States, but mail takes a super long time and there's always a chance they won't arrive at all. Please pray that they will get here soon and they won't be stolen and that I will be able to see again! If all else fails, I can probably find some glasses in the market here... maybe... haha. But thank you all!

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