Saturday, September 1, 2012

Aaaaand Another Market Day

We went into town again today! Despite it being the absolute worst time to go - being the last day to go shopping before school starts for everyone in Monday, and also being a Saturday. But we braved the crowds and the chaos and spent the entire afternoon fighting our way through the throngs in the pursuit of clothes and notebooks. We met the Newburns for lunch at New Century restaurant, which has good food, low prices, and not one incident of food poisoning or the like. Then we all split up and went our separate ways to Ocrika, where we sift through bundles of secondhand clothes, then the Food Market (where we actually ended up buying jeans, funny enough), and back to PresCafe as always, stopping at one of the billions of booths on the street for Cameroonian football (soccer) jerseys.

It was Miamu's very first time going to the market, and in spite of it being an especially crazy day, she had a great time. She bought her very first trousers (pants, but they call underwear pants and pants trousers) and upon getting home and putting them on, she just went around the house giggling. Miamu finds everything funny and already brightens up each day! We are so happy to have her here in the house with us.

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