Sunday, September 16, 2012

To Mbingo and Beyond!

Another week has come and gone, making it two months in Cameroon! This week was actually a slow one; Sarah, Karen, and Katelyn were sick for most of the week, so we laid low, doing our school, riding the horses, doing everyday life-y things. Our Pizza and Movie Night was just the family, plus Simon and Yunu (Fadi and Maimu's brother), who stays here weekends. And today most everyone was feeling up to going hiking! Karen and Katelyn stayed behind, but the rest of us and the Newburn family drove up to Mbingo (where the hospital is - good to know), about an hour away. 

Whenever we go hiking, we usually just drive up into the hills on dirt roads until we can't go any further, then get out and explore, hoping we end up at the top! Today we aimed for this beautiful ridge that climbed higher and higher, then ended in a huge waterfall. We made it most of the way (getting some lovely pictures) before the rain, which before had been sprinkling down intermittently, began to pour. It felt like the heavens literally opened up and dumped down everything they had onto us. I enjoyed it immensely. But everyone was drenched in no time, and by the time it stopped it was decided that we should take the quickest route back to the car. Though it didn't turn out to be so quick, surprise surprise (haha). We made our way around and down the hills, sloshing through mud and creeks created by the downpour. By the time we got back to the car everyone was completely soaked through, but it was a grand adventure and I can't wait to do it again next week! I can't get over how amazing the views and mountains are here, and so many, and so close! Why do we live in Bamenda? We need to move out into the bush somewhere, and be in that grandeur every day. 

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