Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eight Days A Week

Well, in spite of the dreaded Monday, the day passed with the usual speed and unusual good weather - the morning wasn't too hot, and it didn't even rain all afternoon or evening. Karen took Delphine, Lum, Sarah, Maimu and I to the orphanage right after school, where we met the Bournes to sing songs, teach a Bible lesson, and color. (Karen actually brought along the first lesson from the Luke Sunday school curriculum and taught that - and it went great! It's so exciting to see the lessons we've been working on be put into practice.) By the time we got back it was too late to go for a ride, but we spent some time grooming them before doing our chores, and they look so lovely. Dinner was just the family. It was very nice to have a quiet evening at home with just the eight of us, talking and laughing and having a grand ole time. Then Sarah and I fell asleep to the special features of the extended version of Lord of the Rings! We've been watching it every night before bed. It is fabulous. 

Then came today, which is Tuesday, and therefore market day! Our routine is to visit the supermarkets, then meet Joy Newburn at PresCafe, then while Mama Karissa visits, finishes shopping, and picks up Delphine from the Food Market, we girls walk down to Ocrika and sort through bundles of secondhand clothes. Always a good day! Haha. We bought some jeans and a few shirts for Maimu to add to her small collection of American clothes. She and Fadi are very tired from school every day; it begins at 8 and they don't return until 3:30 or 4 in the afternoon, and then they must finish all their homework. The days are always busy for all of us, even if we don't go out; either people come over, or there is a project to finish, or we are catching up on our work, or all three. Something happens every day. It's amazing sometimes, how crazy this house can be. But as we like to say, "This is Africa" (or just TIA). You never know what is going to happen, so you might as well go with it! 

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