Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Deep Breath Before the Plunge

Sunday... the day of singing, coffee cake, visitors, sequestering somewhere with a book, pouring rain, and road food for dinner. I love road food - well, soya (beef), that is. No fish for me! Derick (dance teacher) and Brittany (Peace Corps) came this morning to join us as we held church in our living room and then had lunch together. The rain has been coming down all day! It's glorious, and so very loud. Yesterday it caught us by surprise when we were down riding the horses with the Newburn family. They came for lunch and the afternoon; their daughter Jessica is absolutely crazy about horses, even more than I was when I was her age! Leading her, Emily, and Josh around made me feel like a wrangler again. I have missed horses so much and am beyond happy we have them back! 

And tomorrow is Monday... yay... it always seems to come around, every week. Lately I have been missing home, and all I want to do is sleep, unless the other option includes boarding a plane for California. (Well, really Brussels. Then the East Coast somewhere. Then California.) Africa hasn't lost its allure, but Grass Valley's appeal has grown. Added to the prospect of work tomorrow, I feel that today is my last chance to squeeze in all the rest and relaxation I can before plunging back in. Yet I know tomorrow is just a day like any other... only it has the misfortune of being stamped "Monday." In a parallel universe, Monday is simply the misunderstood villain. Monday probably wishes it was Friday or Saturday, at the very least just a different day of the week. I would if I were Monday. Perhaps a ride tomorrow after school and work (if it's not raining... or maybe even if it is) will brighten it all up and wash away the tiredness everyone seems to be feeling. Despite my melancholic musings, I'm sure it will be a grand and glorious week, so thank you all for your prayers! Have a wonderful week yourselves, and cheerio. 

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