Friday, November 23, 2012

Bon Appetit!

Happy day-after-Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope you aren't in a comatose state from eating too much, or have been trampled to death by shoppers this morning! I don't envy those who were among the black Friday crowds. That's one thing to be thankful for - the whole concept of the "holiday season" is nonexistent here. When a holiday comes, it comes, and when it's over, it is over. So today we are just back to doing school and eating leftovers... leftovers of a dinner that was fantastic!

Turkey is hard to come by, even in Yaounde, so we made 3 chickens instead, and mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole, sparkling apple and grape juice (Sprite and apple/grape juice put together) and yams with marshmallows (real ones! We found them in the American store) and rolls and fake cranberry sauce, consisting of red jello and mashed up dried cranberries! Haha. And then we had pumpkin pie, apple pie, and cheesecake that Brittany brought! SO MUCH FOOOOD. 

Besides the food, it was a great day. We girls watched some Pride & Prejudice (just an installment, since it was the super long version), then Bride & Prejudice, and munched on appetizers unti finally everyone came at around 4 or later. And by 5 we were eating! A whole bunch of people came, including Pa and Nicoline and Delphine and some of their families, our neighbors, and of course Simon and Brittany and Darcie. It was rather tight, but what is Thanksgiving without tight tables and tight pants? Haha. We also sang, and did a bit of square/line/contra dancing that was quite fun and also in cramped quarters as well as a load of fun! After everyone left and we cleaned up, we finished off the night with homemade apple cider and Elf! All in all it was the strangest Thanksgiving ever, but wonderful nonetheless. :) I got to talk to Toby and hopefully I'll be able to talk with my family soon - definitely missing them! Though I'm sure next year I'll be home and reminiscing about our Cameroonian Thanksgiving! 

Today I also had the singular experience of eating a grasshopper! Yes. I actually did. Tis the season for grasshoppers. We've seen people with buckets of them, selling them in the market, and today Sarah and I actually got up the gumption to eat one along with lunch. They were a bit burnt, and very crunchy, and I didn't like them much... not that I was expecting to! But I can now say I've eaten a grasshopper. Yay me.

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