Monday, November 12, 2012

Goin' to the Chapel

Greetings from Bamenda this lovely Monday morning! I hope your weekend was marvelous; mine was! After Lum's family birthday dinner Friday night, then came the wedding, pizza and movie night, and a nice restful Sunday. The wedding was beautiful! And quite long. But fun! It was Nelly's sister Victorine who got married, just down the road at Menda Baptist Church (which, by the way, is shaped like a hexagon. I found that pretty cool). The service started at 10, and we got there a little late, which was still early compared to everyone else. Guests were still arriving nearly halfway through the service! TIA. The bridesmaids and groomsmen came down the aisle together, then the bride, and after some songs everyone sat down while the preacher talked for a very long time. And then another song and another preacher! He didn't talk for nearly as long, but when they finally stood up to say their vows and exchange the rings, I think it was after 12. There was some more singing, talking, and praying, and finally they were pronounced man and wife!

My favorite part came after that, when the bride and groom (both in white) stood at the front of the church while music began and everyone got up with their gifts. Then began a huge receiving line/giving of gifts/dance party thing, where everyone came down the aisle and gave their gifts to the couple, whilst singing and dancing. The music was extremely loud, and it went on for over 30 minutes! My ears were ringing by the time it ended, but it was all great fun. What an experience! Everyone crowded outside to take "snapshots" with the bride and groom, and then we headed home at around 2 o'clock to nap and watch Downton Abbey :) and make pizza!

A whole bunch of people came for pizza and movie night; the Dibbets, two German girls we met at the wedding who are here for a year working at the Baptist center, one lady whose name I forget but she comes her every time she's in Bamenda, Janelle from the office, Chris's friend Paul, and of course Simon and Yunusa and Carolin. 'Twas a full house! So it was nice to have a quiet Sunday, having church at home and then napping and eating and all that rot. Chris took the girls out driving, like he usually does on the weekends; slowly but surely they are learning to drive! I don't even want to try it here, what with the craziness of the roads and motor taxis and dreadful roads and having to learn to drive stick shift, to name a few reasons.... haha. But I hear they're doing wonderfully; even Fadi has started learning!

This week we are back at it, with Bible club at the orphanage, French class, Lum's birthday, and getting ready for Thanksgiving! I am so very excited!! Food food food. It's always been one of my favorite holidays. It will definitely be different from any Thanksgiving I've ever experienced, but it will still be grand, I'm sure! And so very delicious.

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