Sunday, November 4, 2012

No Shave November

Four days into No Shave November, and I'm considering leaving it to those of the male persuasion and who retain the capacity to grow facial hair, as my legs are much furrier than I had anticipated... Perhaps this trend isn't for me. Thoughts? Questions? Shall we vote on it?

The main reason of this post isn't to inform you of my stunning leg-hair-growing abilities, but of something I forgot to mention all week long. Last Sunday after the naming ceremony for Isatu, Fadi and Maimu's new little sister, they brought back Mariamu, a girl from Sabba Njowra because she had horrible pain in her mouth. Monday Chris took her to the dentist and it turns out she needed something crazy like 7 fillings and four teeth pulled! So both Monday and Thursday she had to go through hours of orthodontry with nothing to numb the pain or anything. Ouch! But with the help of some pills and brushing her teeth, her mouth has been healing quickly, and Maimu has certainly enjoyed having Mariamu around! From when she comes home from school to late in the evening we can hear them talking and laughing from across the house.

Also, the horses are back! They have been camping out at a compound down the road where they can eat all day and night and get fat for dry season, and where Prince's leg can heal from his boil. Which it did, but they came back yesterday, and surprise! Macchiato now has a boil and swelling on his leg.... :( So riding is out of the question yet again. Wie schade. In other news, Carolin had malaria but is now healed; Lum's sixteenth birthday is next Friday and we are planning her birthday party! Yay! And the day after that, Nelly's sister is getting married and we are invited! I'm so excited to go to a Cameroonian wedding. So be warned, you may be reading quite the novel about it the next day.

Happy November!

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