Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Has Gone

"For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly." -Psalm 84:11

Good morning, Cameroon! My mother shared this verse with me a bit ago and I hope you are encouraged as much as I was! Tomorrow is the last day of November, which has for me disappeared from right under my nose. Time usually goes fast, but this month especially seems to have galloped away without so much as a by-your-leave. Good grief. I had a dream last night where it was the end of the year and I was packing to leave... and when I woke up I was glad to realize that I still have another 6 months left! While I miss everyone at home, I know that my time here is not finished yet, and there are wonderful things coming my way. (They're coming your way, too - just read that verse again!)

We've had a rather nice week. First of all, I got my contacts - finally! I feel as if everything has come into focus. Africa is beautiful. :) And yesterday we went to the orphanage to have Bible club there, and brought the neighborhood kids along with us. They are always so excited to ride in the car, they sing and shout at the top of their lungs and scream every time we go over an especially big bump. I think they look forward to the 7-minute car ride there more than anything else! Haha. But this week Katelyn, Sarah and I took the horses, and Maimu rode with Katelyn and I back home afterwards. :)

Another reason I'm thankful this morning is that I was finally able to register for my classes for next semester! Scheduling classes and figuring out which ones I need to take are some of my least favorite things to do. Ever. In the world. But it is done, and the only other tricky feat I must accomplish is buying and getting my books here by January! Weh. 

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