Sunday, December 2, 2012

Once Upon A December

Good evening, and happy December! I keep hearing about torrents of rain and major storms in Grass Valley and California in general, and I hope you are all either keeping dry and warm or out dancing in the rain getting wonderfully drenched. :) Here, on the other hand, we have all been taking blankets off our beds, pulling out the fans, and avoiding going out in the middle of the day. Welcome to dry season! The days are muggy, the nights are hot, and worst of all, everyone is getting sick, myself included. :P Bleh. Apparently this is usual for dry season, but that doesn't make it any less unpleasant. I for one, am having trouble believing December has come! It could not feel any less like the holidays. But soon we are going to pull out the Christmas decorations; that, along with the Christmas music pervading the house and Christmas movies every weekend, should improve the festive atmosphere, I should think.

Our pizza and movie night was wonderful; Anne and Birte, the two German girls, came, as well as Nelly, Unu, Emmanuel (a friend of the Jacksons from Mamfe, who stayed with us for a few days two weeks ago and again this week), and Darcie, who spent the night. And Mother, you will be proud to hear that along with Anne and Birte and the occasional helpful tip from Lum, I made six whole delicious pizzas! I know they were delicious because I ate eight or nine pieces, and then a lot of brownies. Yum. Needless to say I didn't feel like eating again until Saturday afternoon, haha!

And then today.... dun dun dun... we went driving! Chris took Katelyn, Simon, Sarah, and I out to a small parking lot (which was actually paved!) where we practiced starting and stopping... my first time ever driving stick shift, and it was great fun! Tricky, but fun. We then went out to the actual highway and practiced switching gears and everything, whilst dodging potholes, people, cows, bikes, and taxis. I never thought I would have the gumption to drive in Cameroon, but it actually wasn't that bad! Quite fun, once you get going. And it was so nice driving again; it's definitely something I've missed these past four and a half months. So take pleasure in the small things, people, and have a marvelous Sunday.

Oh, P.S. - Please pray for Sarah's finances! She needs about $1500 to continue funding her African adventure here with us, and your prayers for that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all so much!

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