Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 142

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." -John Burroughs

Good afternoon! Or rather, good-very-early-morning to all those of you stateside. It's a nice day here in Bamenda - we just got back from doing a bit of Christmas shopping, there's a nice breeze, Queen is playing, and we are looking forward to a busy weekend. A missionary family, the Schalinskys (just a guess on spelling), are back from their furlough and are sharing their experiences at the Bible study tomorrow, so we're going to that, and then Saturday Sarah and I are going to visit Darcie and stay the night in her village, Mbatu. And on Sunday we're doing the teacher training round 2! 

Some Bamenda news: To usher in the dry season, meningitis shots are being given to everyone in the country, I'm pretty sure. Everywhere we go in town, on the side of the road, in main market, there are lines of people lining up to get their shot; Maimu and Fadi got them at their school, and apparently it's one of the more painful ones. Ouch! Also Carol found a house in Bamenda - actually just down the hill a bit - and moved in this week! She isn't planning to live in Bamenda long-term, but it's nice for her to have her own place for awhile. Another bit of exciting news is that Autumn is going to have her puppies soon! We've been waiting for weeks, and it was just last night that she went into labor! Everyone took bets on when Autumn would give birth and how many puppies she'll have, and most people are out of the running, but I guessed it would be around this Sunday or Monday... although we are all hoping they will come long before then! 

Aaaaaand... only fifteen days until Karissa comes, and nineteen till Christmas! Yaaaaay. I can't believe nearly half the year is gone by already. Geesh. Until next time ~

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