Friday, December 21, 2012

Balloon Season

While there is a lack of Christmas season in Cameroon, there is actually a "balloon season" here around just this time of year! Yes, balloon season. Many of the people walking around selling buckets or shoes or groundnuts have now switched to balloons, and usually these cool twirly ones, the likes of which I've never seen anywhere else! I must get some just because they're so cool! The only signs of the impending Christmas holiday are people wearing Santa hats and those who walk around carrying fake Christmas trees and the prices going up on everything. But I've gotten everybody's Christmas presents and I can't believe it's just days away!

Also, we're in Yaounde! And we're leaving early tomorrow morning for the sweet, non-humid land of Bamenda, thank goodness. Usually I like trips to Yaounde, and I've enjoyed this one, but it is just so hot and sticky. We spent the past few days here going to the Reading Room and getting books and reading them, doing a bit of shopping, and then tonight we went to the airport and got Karissa! She's here until mid or late January, plenty of time for fun and games and general jolliness. All right well happy almost Christmas! Until next time...

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