Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Penny/Five Francs For Your Thoughts

A few things on my mind tonight... I hope you don't mind the nonsensical juxtapose of trivial and meditative... [or all the big words I love too much to forego]

Happy belated anniversary to Tim and Paige! It's been three years and one day since their lovely wedding, almost two years since Ellie was born, and six months since I've seen them (and two-ish months till their new baby comes!). Miss them a lot, they're some of the coolest people I know.

(Imagine Tim in there too)

Watched Footloose for the first time tonight - such great music! Soundtrack is definitely going on my list for someday when I have lots of money, haha. [Also, I can't imagine the new one living up to such a classic... but I could be wrong, who's seen it?]

TOBY I MISS YOU. You've heard it a thousand times, I know, but I always mean it more than I did before. You're exceptional, and life just isn't the same.

Went on another lovely ride today, on one of our new horses! We have them for awhile, anyway. It's so much nicer (and faster) when everyone has their own horse upon which to gallop into the sunset! The new bay I've been riding is so cute and quite speedy :D But he hasn't got a name, so he'll have to be temporarily christened soon! Any suggestions? Brego, Sebastian, Bilius?

Struggling to be content. [Warning, a rare personal musing from a introvert ahead! Be inspired, so I won't regret it later!] I'm forever looking forward and pinning all my hopes on the future - "someday" is undoubtedly one of my favorite and too-often-used words. But life has taught me this is not the solution; soon enough the future will become the present, and I will still be unsatisfied. Plans and dreams are important, and spark the imagination, and give life to everyday drudgery, but sometimes we just have to make our peace with that drudgery. Enjoy it, even. "I have come so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." [John 10:10] Abundance of life is not just for my future, it's for right now. Which is completely possible, even for all you pessimists out there. [While I highly value looking at the sunny side of life, I confess to defecting to your side once or twice... a day...] 

Oh, and by the way, Chris has been in Yaounde for meetings the past couple of days, but he's coming back tomorrow, and he's bringing all the packages that were in the sea shipment with him! Which means chocolate is headed my way! A very good thing, too, because tonight I ate the last Hersheys bar from my hidden cache of candy, gum, and pringles. Weh. 

Apparently there's also an awesome meteor shower taking place tonight that I shall have to miss, unfortunately being on the wrong side of the globe. 

Books are magic. I've read two in the past five days. Next week we get to go back to the Reading Room at the CTC in Yaounde (when we pick up Karissa) and get moooore! And speaking of magic, music. 


Just before leaving the States for Cameroon, life was an emotional rollercoaster. Silly me, I thought the ride would smooth out a bit after nearly five months, BUT NO. Apparently the ups and downs that occur every hour or so make for teachable moments and character building and all that rot. Who knew?

Goodnight, my friends. I hope some of this made sense... forgive the rambling and the long-windedness. A lot of what I do here is sleep, eat, and overthink things. 

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