Friday, December 28, 2012

On the Fourth Day of Christmas

'Tis the fourth day of Christmas and I hope it is going well for all of you! I am currently watching a movie with a cup of chai tea by my side (compliments of the wonderful Medlyn family), a belly full of pizza, and an adventurous weekend ahead of me! Tomorrow Karissa, Sarah, and I (also maybe Katelyn) are going to ride the horses - a four-hour ride! - up to Sabba Njowra! And then spend a few days with Fadi and Maimu's family before coming back for New Year's. And theeeennnnnn we are headed off to the beach! Yay!! Finally!

It's been a nice couple of days, full of food and sleeping in and shopping and playing with the puppies! They're getting so big and fluffy and fat - the biggest one, Bilbo, is even walking around and wagging his tail. Today Katelyn and Carol gave them a bath for the first time, and they were so cute running around the yard drying out in the sun! And tonight we had pizza and movie night for the first time in much too long, with Audrey and a new friend we made, Christy, who works in the Mbingo hospital. So happy almost New Year to you all! Ta ta for now!

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