Sunday, December 9, 2012

Puppies, Mbatu, Dust, Africa.

HELLO. So. It's been such a long weekend! And it went by so very speedily! Goodness. I was planning on updating my blog days ago, but an alternating lack of electricity and internet thwarted my lovely plans. So here I am, with loads of information to bestow upon you all, whether you wish it or not! 

First of all, PUPPIES! Five of them! They were born Thursday night, just after we started to finally decorate for Christmas (all of which was unceremoniously left in disarray as we all went running for the backyard when Maimu came and told us Autumn had already had one puppy), and we even got to see the second one be born! Yuck, but cool. No worse (better, actually) than seeing a horse give birth, I can tell you that. By Friday morning all five of Autumn's babies were born and healthy and noisy, four boys and one girl. I can't wait until they grow old enough to run about and play! 

Then Friday night we went to the Dibbets' for Bible study, partly because we ran out of cheese and couldn't do pizza and movie night, and partly because the Schalinskys are back from furlough and were sharing their adventures. Then Saturday Sarah and I met Darcie in town to get some limes, tomatoes, and pineapple, and then off to Mbatu we went! 

Darcie lives on the edge of her village, and so we spent most of the afternoon and evening at her house, talking and playing with her crazy and adorable cat Boots and making a delicious Mexican dinner! It was a short visit, just yesterday and this morning, but we had a really great time with Darcie and plan to do it again soon! The ride back was an adventure in itself; we were trying to hurry back to the Jackson Village in time to leave for our second teacher training, but being Sunday, it took quite a bit of waiting by the road for an available taxi. These are bush taxies, mind you, and so there are officially four spots in front, including the driver, and four in back. When we finally got one, Sarah squished up front, literally sitting in the driver's seat, and I crammed myself in the back with three other adults (none of them on the small side) and actually got a kink in my neck from my head being shoved against the ceiling. Fun, fun. TIA! Thankfully Mbatu is only four kilometers out of Bamenda, and the drive wasn't long. From there we got a taxi back to Mile 3, and were back with plenty of time to spare. 

Our second teacher training in Bambalang was a success, if I do say so myself. We met the Groves and the other family (can't remember their names, weh) and all of us (including Anna, who stayed with us this weekend, and Christy Watkins who is visiting the Jacksons as well. I met her last yeah while I was here, but she lives in Nigeria now) went to the same small church as last time. Over thirty people came this time! And Delphine even taught a whole lesson in Chrambo as an example. The whole thing lasted all afternoon and we didn't get back till seven, but it was a nice, full, exhausting day. I was quite literally coated in dust from head to foot; dry season has struck again. It also didn't help that Anna and I rode out to Bambalang on top of the truck! The result was unbelievably tangled hair and light brown clothing, but who cares! It was so fun! Alas, I still have no pictures of the beautiful grassland we drive through on the way, but the next training is next week, so never fear. I did get a lovely shot of the sky when we were at the Groves' house, which I leave with all of you, along with my wishes for the happiest of Sundays! 

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