Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy List Wednesday

  • Mangos! Also known as golden and magical orbs of heaven that delight the soul!
  • Imogen Heap on rainy days
  • (speaking of rainy days) Rainy days
  • And the thunder and lightning that accompanies them
  • Movies that make me cry (of which there are many)
  • Not being sick
  • Rumi
  • Drawing horses on my notebooks (I'm afraid nothing has changed, Mother)
  • When Maimu takes her hair out of braids
  • Folare (juice made from hibiscus flowers that's dark purplish and yummy)
  • Finishing my schoolwork early!
  • My hoard of chocolate
  • Bananas every morning
  • Irish accents
  • New colorful Cameroonian fabric
  • Not worrying
  • Ballroom dancing in the kitchen
  • Making lists so I can cross things off

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