Saturday, March 23, 2013

Update on the past few days, copied from the Jackson's newsletter:

March 21

Urgent Prayer

This is an urgent prayer request. Karen fell sick about one week ago with some virus. It seemed as though she was getting better, but then she took a significant turn for the worse in the past few days.

Today, Thursday, she fainted. I brought her to Mbingo Baptist Hospital which is about 45 minutes drive from Bamenda. Here there is a great staff of doctors from Cameroon, the US, Canada and Australia. It is a teaching hospital. 

The diagnosis is that Karen is in septic shock from a generalized bacterial infection. Her blood pressure was extremely low, and she was very dehydrated. The doctors have been doing all they can for her and she is somewhat stabilized. However, she is in need of more acute care than is available in Cameroon. So, tomorrow we will be flown to South Africa via an medical air evacuation service for her to receive the appropriate level of care she needs.

Pray for her quick and full recovery. Pray for Katelyn who is left behind in Bamenda. Pray for Lum, Kathleen and Sarah who are holding down the fort in our absence, as well as Carolin Huber. Pray for Karissa who is carrying a heavy concern for her mother from far off in California.

Please join us in claiming a miracle of healing for Karen!

More news to follow from South Africa.

In Christ,
Chris & Karen

March 22

Update to Urgent Prayer Request

We arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa around 6:30 PM SA time. Karen had been sedated since Thursday night at around 10 PM. She was having significant difficulty breathing, so the doctor gave her a breathing tube to help, in addition to medications to help her relax and sleep.

Upon arrival in South Africa, Karen was taken directly to the hospital. All efforts to stabilize her did not work. She passed away at around 8:00 PM South Africa time.

Needless to say, we are in shock and in mourning. Pray for Katelyn, Karissa and myself. Karen will be deeply missed by us and by many, many people who loved her pure joy and open, unconditional love for all.

I will remain in South Africa to take care of the details of what to do with Karen's remains. Then I will return to Cameroon to meet up with Katelyn and figure out what to do after that.

In Christ,
Chris, Karissa and Katelyn

Please pray for the Jacksons and all those here and in the States. Thank you for all your prayers and support. 

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