Sunday, March 24, 2013

New update from Chris that was sent out this morning:

Thank you to all who have sent messages of concern and encouragement. I am overwhelmed with the joy that Karen brought to so many people and overwhelmed with the grief of our loss; of my loss. 

Oceans of grief; oceans of fear; oceans of questions.

Karissa is doing well in that she has a very good support system around her at Biola. Friends have come to her side to support her.

Katelyn, too, is doing well based on my talks with her and reports from others. She is surrounded by all of what is familiar to her. She did say, though, that maybe it really hasn’t sunk in yet. 

Has it sunk it fully for any of us? I doubt it.

I am still in South Africa. There are hurdles to cross before I can return to Cameroon. Because Karen died so soon after arriving here, the doctor cannot sign off on the death as “natural”. Thus, there has to be a state autopsy to establish cause of death. This requires getting the South African police to do their job and apparently that is not always an easy, or timely thing to see happen.

Then there is the issue of what to do with Karen’s body. Our insurance does not cover repatriation, and that is not necessarily what we want to do, but the undertaker says that is the easiest thing to do. I need to decide what to do.

Then, I need to get a new visa to re-enter Cameroon. That will take some days. I hope to be back in Cameroon by, latest, Friday. Pray with me that all of these details can be handled so that I can get back maybe even sooner!

We are planning to hold a memorial service in Cameroon for the missionary and Cameroon community in Yaounde soon after I return. The Cameroon Branch has its annual spiritual retreat and business meetings starting March 30. Everyone will be together in Yaounde during this time.

Karissa and Catherine McChristian (lived and worked with us for 2 years) are working on coming to Cameroon within the next few weeks to participate in this memorial. They, too, will need visas produced quickly so that they can come with minimal delay. Pray that we can get the visas quickly.

After that, we intend on holding another memorial in Grass Valley, CA, but the timing of that is not yet known. There are just too many details and questions about how it all is supposed to fit together at this point. More info on that will follow.

Many are asking how they can help. Thank you for your concern and questions. Of utmost importance is that you pray.

There is much travel ahead for many people. Pray for their safety. Pray against blockages in their smooth travel. Pray for healing for our hearts. Pray particularly for Karissa and Katelyn’s hearts; for protection, peace and assurance.

We have established a Facebook Group called “Remembering Karen Joy Jackson” where you are invited to post your memories and thoughts and photos of her. Click below to contribute:

If you don’t have access to FaceBook and want to contribute, please send your message and photos if you like to Sarah Newman

Holding fast in the storm,
Chris, Karissa and Katelyn

There have been many people coming by the house and many more messaging us online, and I just want to thank you all for your kind words and support and especially for your prayers. I also ask that you pray for Carolin, who is staying at the house with us, and Sarah and I. Your prayers are appreciated immensely. 

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