Friday, March 8, 2013

Lots of Pots and Dots and Jots

Good evening, ladies and sirs! Here are some pictures from our trip on Tuesday to PresPot. You've heard me talk about PresCafe and PresCraft, where they have beautiful artisanal pottery and wooden works of genius! Well PresPot is their pottery center, where they make all their lovely dishes and such. It's just over the hill, outside of Bamenda about an hour or so, located in the Ndop in a town called Bamessing, and so Tuesday we took a whole bunch of people out there on a field trip.

Into the woods! Just down to where they dig

Where they dig for clay

Mugs after the first firing

Pots that have yet to be dyed

And yes, I must admit I bought a few things! But only small light ones that I will be able to take home on the plane with me... including a wonderful green teacup with an elephant on it! :) It was a nice adventure in the middle of the week, but it has helped these seven days to dash on by without so much as a by-your-leave. I could swear it was just Friday, and yet here it is again tomorrow! Golly gee whiz. We've been keeping busy with school and riding horses and guitar lessons and welcoming Carol back to Bamenda! She's been in the North for over a month teaching literacy classes for the Imaniya - Fulani believers. Tomorrow is our wondrous and weekly pizza and movie night, then Sarah, Katelyn, and I are going to spend the night in Bali with our Peace Corp Georgia and some other volunteers we know there.

On the way back from the Ndop... the view is gorgeous!

Just so you get an idea of how much fun riding is!! :D

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember ever looking like that whilst riding! You are certainly having adventures. I love the way your sweet silliness and adventurous spirit come through in your posts.
